
The aim of the maths curriculum is to provide a secure understanding of mathematical concepts, from basic principles of mathematics to complex topics that combine several areas of study into a single question. The curriculum promotes retention of knowledge and a depth of learning rather than an accelerated curriculum, resulting in pupils who are confident in taking their studies further into sixth form, university and beyond. 

Mathematics, a universal language that enables understanding of the world, it is an integral part of the curriculum. Beyond the study of numbers, shapes and patterns, it also provides important tools for work in fields such as engineering, physics, architecture, medicine and business.   

The Maths department at Irlam and Cadishead Academy aims to provide students with a secure understanding of mathematical knowledge and skills, categorised according to the following areas: number, algebra, geometry, ratio and proportion, probability and statistics. The curriculum is sequenced to build on prior knowledge from KS2, meeting the needs of the National Curriculum at KS3 and KS4, and developing pupils’ ability to apply their knowledge to more challenging content.  

In order for pupils to become proficient mathematicians, they need to systematically acquire core mathematical facts, concepts, methods and strategies to be able to experience success when problem-solving. Our curriculum is designed so it is carefully sequenced to continuously interleave content from across the five strands, enabling pupils to practice applying their knowledge to mixed-skill questions.  

The focus of the curriculum is to develop procedural knowledge of the fundamental elements of mathematics in order for students to access further problem-solving elements and reason mathematically, whilst fostering a love of maths. In mathematics our aim is to secure retention of knowledge and a depth of learning which results in students who are confident in taking their studies to the next level, whether that be further qualifications, higher education or into the workplace. We are committed to providing an inclusive curriculum, celebrating and championing diversity and individuality in mathematics.  

Each lesson we use starter grids as a tool for retrieval practice to improve recall, retention of prior knowledge and to inform and adapt future planning. Following each topic, the pupils complete a Formative Assessment Task which allows us to give personalised feedback and adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of our pupils. Both the starter grids and regular assessments have been key in identifying and addressing gaps in knowledge.  

Careers in Mathematics

It can be difficult to see how your school subjects relate to future jobs. However, when you make your Options choices in Year 9, it can influence and determine your career pathway, and the choices you make in the next stages of your education.

Should you wish to explore careers in Maths further, here are some interesting websites to help your research.