Modern Foreign Languages

The aim of MFL is to provide students with an insight into other cultures and to embrace the differences that exist between the UK and French speaking countries worldwide. “Learning a foreign language is a liberation from insularity and provides an opening to other cultures. We aim to foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. 

Learning a language is important to aid the development of social and communication skills and at Irlam and Cadishead Academy we ensure our students have plentiful opportunities to speak in French which in turn improves students’ self-confidence, both inside and outside the classroom environment. We also enthuse a love of languages in our students through the exploration of songs, short films and literature. What’s more, we consolidate practice on phonics, expand vocabulary knowledge (breadth and depth) and increase understanding and knowledge of key grammar which will shape them to become better global citizens in this ever-changing world.  

Our carefully sequenced curriculum ensures time is embedded to revisit, consolidate, and extend the language learnt. In Years 8 and 9 there are also opportunities for interleaving prior language. All units taught build on previous knowledge; the focus is always progression in the three pillars of language learning: phonics, vocabulary, and grammar. 

MFL teachers continually assess pupils and check for everyone’s understanding as part of their lessons. All lessons begin with a recall activity, often in the form of a translation quiz, focusing on key language. Listening and reading exercises also provide instant assessment allowing pupils and teachers to identify areas that require further work. For extended writing tasks, whole-class feedback used as an efficient way of picking out key themes in pupils’ responses. Pair speaking provide further assessment opportunities, concentrating on a certain number of pupils at a time. 

The Key Stage 3 curriculum sets the foundation for Key Stage 4. Particular attention is paid to the three time frames with variation in the tenses (grammar) and every year we cover more sophisticated ways of expressing ourselves on a wide range of issues, expressing and justifying opinions with broader and deeper vocabulary knowledge. The units covered in our Year 9 curriculum act as a bridge between Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4. For pupils not continuing with a language into GCSE, our Key Stage 3 curriculum provides them with a basic but thorough understanding of the language. It also gives them an overview of the culture(s) and people speaking that language globally. 

Careers in MFL

It can be difficult to see how your school subjects relate to future jobs. However, when you make your Options choices in Year 9, it can influence and determine your career pathway, and the choices you make in the next stages of your education.

Should you wish to explore careers in MFL further, here are some interesting websites to help your research.