Catch Up Premium Funding

The ‘catch-up’ funding for students not attaining an average KS2 SAS or equivalent is now included within the pupil premium funding allocated to the Academy throughout the year.

Funding allocated in:

Using the data available to the Academy, students who require additional interventions to ‘catch up’ in either/or Literacy and Numeracy are identified.

Criteria for intervention are based on KS2 data, reading age tests and CATs data:

  • Students who score less than 100 on KS2 data
  • Students who have a significant differential between KS2 data and CATs data
  • Students who have a low score in one aspect of the CATs scores compared to the others
  • Reading ages
  • Spelling ages
  • DAC

The identified students access a minimum of one hour per week on the Lexia programme. In addition, students work with Literacy Leaders (peer mentors) developing their personal reading skills. A cohort of identified students work closely with the SEND team working through the ‘Read Write’ programme and further interventions for Numeracy are supported through Hegarty Maths.

The aim of the ‘catch-up’ is to close the gap and ensure students achieve their expected progress. The monitoring of all interventions is conducted via online assessments through Lexia and reading age tests to ensure measurable impact.