Year 10

In Year 10, students consolidate their knowledge and understanding from KS3 and apply it to their chosen GCSE syllabi. They specialise and further hone their skills according to their option choices that they chose in Year 9. They also begin to widen their horizons and aspirations and continue to plan their career pathways. They develop socially and academically to become well rounded citizens and ambassadors for the Academy. They are encouraged to apply for the prestigious role of Subject Ambassador and to become a member of the Student Senior Leadership Team.


The Head of Year 10
  • Encourages the students to become role models in all aspects of their behaviour
  • Has an overview of student progress focusing on under achievement
  • Ensures student achievement in the ‘top 8’ subjects and actions interventions when appropriate
  • Provide opportunities to transition to Year 11 life successfully
The Year 10 Form Teacher

The Year 10 Form Teachers oversee the day to day needs of the students ensuring they are prepared for the day. Year 10 form teachers will be in regular contact with parents in relations to:

  • Attendance
  • Monitoring of behaviour
  • Offering support and guidance
  • British Values
  • E-safety
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Diversity
  • Raising Aspirations
  • Rewards
  • Attendance
The Tutorial Programme
  • Word of the Week
  • Revision and Revision Techniques
  • Numeracy
  • Literacy
Events throughout the year
  • University campus visits
  • College information
  • Consultation Evenings
Curriculum Plan

To view the Year 10 Long Term Plan 2022-23, please click HERE.