Exam Information

Examination timetables for forthcoming examination seasons will be displayed in the relevent year group classroom area and will be posted onto the Academy website. 

For each examination season, you will receive a timetable from the Academy. This timetable will detail the examinations that you have been entered for and the dates and times when they will take place. Please keep this seating document safe as you will need to refer to it through the examination season.


To view our Exams policy, please click HERE

To view our External Exam Timetable 2022, please click HERE

To view the Application of the Special Consideration Process, for summer 2022, please click HERE

In addition, you can download the offical JCQ documentation below which relates to formal GCSE (and equivalent) examinations. These rules apply to both internal (mock) exams and the external (GCSEs etc) exams.