Year 9

In Year 9, students are prepared for choosing their option subjects. To ensure students make informed decisions about their future career pathways, students are provided with:

  • Current Labour Market Information
  • Have the opportunity to experience higher and further education establishments
  • Have the opportunity to meet people with various occupations both in the private and public sectors
  • To experience various careers events – such as a ‘Careers Day’ and ‘Dare to Dream Day’

It is imperative that students are provided with all the information they need to ensure they make the right choices and at Irlam and Cadishead Academy we endeavour to do this.

The Head of Year 9
  • Promotes scholarly behaviour
  • Track and monitor progress and implements intervention to address any under performance
  • Analyses attendance and behaviour data to ensure all students are safe, happy and learning
  • Ensures all students have access to excellent careers guidance
  • Motivates and inspires students to achieve their goals and make required progress.
The Year 9 Teacher
  • Offers advice and guidance regarding option choices
  • Delivers the tutorial programme
  • Tracks attendance
  • Monitors behaviour
  • Acts as an advocate for the students
  • Rewards
  • Growth Mind-set
  • Raising Aspirations
  • Road Safety
  • Anti-Bullying
  • Young Carers
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • E-Safety
  • British Values
  • Careers
Events throughout the year
  • Options Evening
  • Consultation Evening
  • Visits to local Universities
  • Careers Day
  • Dare to Dream Day
Curriculum Plan

To view the Year 9 Long Term Plan 2022-23, please click HERE.