New ICA prefects announced!

On 25th May the Academy made further steps to promote student leadership opportunities. Year 10 Students submitted written applications to apply for the post of Prefect. The process was thorough and replicated a real world application experience where some students were shortlisted for senior prefect interviews for the positions of Principal, Vice Principal and Assistant Principal students.

The move to Principal Student reflects our commitment in education to remove unnecessary gender roles such as Head Boy and Girl. During the interviews the students had to reflect on their personal strengths, personal development areas and to imagine how they could assist in promoting the Academy's continued journey to excellence.

The interview panel consisted of Head of Year 10 Miss Gardener, Aspirations lead Mr Smith and the Principal Mrs Holdsworth, who said "It was great to hear the ideas of these young people who have spent time growing and developing in our Academy. I genuinely take pride in the number of students who want to be leaders in our academy. I am very proud of all of the students who applied for the roles."

Miss Gardner said that she was "Incredibly pleased to see these young people grow into mature young adults since they first embarked on their ICA journey in Year 7."

Congratulations to all of those that have been successfully appointed, we look forward to working with you over the coming year.